![better food traders](https://regathernet17f40.zapwp.com/q:l/r:0/wp:1/w:1/u:https://staging.regather.net/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/better-food-traders.png)
New potatoes are here! What better use for these beautiful tubers than a luxurious potato salad – this recipe courtesy of Ottolenghi (from Plenty). It calls for quail’s eggs but regular eggs would be fine (hard-boiled and chopped). Perfect for those socially distanced picnics and back garden gatherings.
New potatoes are here! What better use for these beautiful tubers than a luxurious potato salad – this recipe courtesy of Ottolenghi (from Plenty). It calls for quail’s eggs but regular eggs would be fine (hard-boiled and chopped). Perfect for those socially distanced picnics and back garden gatherings.